
03 September 2011

Product Development

Ok, so I know it is not very neat, but this is my first pass at eye-liner. I used to buy a cream eye-liner from a company which no longer exists and I have run out and was desperate, so I made my own.

It is much simpler to make than I thought it would be, although it sets in the blink of an eye. It is soft enough to be applied with a brush but if I want to sell it I am going to have to work out how to pour it before it sets which will be no mean feat! On the plus side, it is quite quick to make, so I could in theory make whatever colour a customer requests. I am going to need to speak to my lovely assessor to get his advice about what and what is not permissable.

I also made a lovely hand cream recently which I am hoping to launch fairly soon. There are some tests which need to be done beforehand though and I need to give some thought to different oils for different purposes i.e. older skin, but watch this space for further information.


  1. Wow! that looks really interesting, I have not ventured into the world of making my own makeup yet, I think you are very brave.

  2. It looks fab Suzanne, and I can see a great market for natural make up. Well done

  3. That looks wonderful. I have everything to make my own makeup but haven't had the chance to experiment. I've had requests for mascara in the past but getting the tubes would be expensive.

